# Django 官方提出的关于测试代码过多的建议


# 汉语

# 当需要测试的时候,测试用例越多越好


但是这没关系! 就让测试代码继续肆意增长吧。大部分情况下,你写完一个测试之后就可以忘掉它了。在你继续开发的过程中,它会一直默默无闻地为你做贡献的。


最坏的情况是,当你继续开发的时候,发现之前的一些测试现在看来是多余的。但是这也不是什么问题,多做些测试也 不错。


  • 对于每个模型和视图都建立单独的 TestClass
  • 每个测试方法只测试一个功能
  • 给每个测试方法起个能描述其功能的名字

# English

# When testing, more is better

It might seem that our tests are growing out of control. At this rate there will soon be more code in our tests than in our application, and the repetition is unaesthetic, compared to the elegant conciseness of the rest of our code.

It doesn't matter. Let them grow. For the most part, you can write a test once and then forget about it. It will continue performing its useful function as you continue to develop your program.

Sometimes tests will need to be updated. Suppose that we amend our views so that only Questions with Choices are published. In that case, many of our existing tests will fail - telling us exactly which tests need to be amended to bring them up to date, so to that extent tests help look after themselves.

At worst, as you continue developing, you might find that you have some tests that are now redundant. Even that's not a problem; in testing redundancy is a good thing.

As long as your tests are sensibly arranged, they won't become unmanageable. Good rules-of-thumb include having:

  • a separate TestClass for each model or view
  • a separate test method for each set of conditions you want to test
  • test method names that describe their function